Saturday, 17 September 2011

Download Free PC Game Deus Ex Human Revolution

                                  Download Free PC Game Deus Ex Human Revolution

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Choice. Many games provide theillusion of it; fewer deliver it in any meaningful way. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is one of those few: a first-person shooter/stealth/espionage/role-playing hybrid that allows you to overcome obstacles as you see fit. Let’s say you require access to a guarded apartment building. You can shoot your way past the patrolling sentries. But maybe you’d rather sneak past them unnoticed, silently knocking them out as you go; hack an electronic lock on a side entrance; or find a hidden vent and shimmy your way inside. Play the way you want: It’s up to you. In Human Revolution, this kind of flexibility can be awe inspiring, but like with many ambitious games, the individual parts and pieces aren’t always satisfying on their own terms. Neither the shooting nor the stealth is best in class, and a number of flaws disrupt yoursuspension of disbelief. But even if the details don’t stand up to scrutiny, taken as a whole, Human Revolution is an excellent game with an unsettling vision of the future we face.
In the sewers, citizens are guilty until proven innocent.
  • In that future, human augmentation has changed the way we live. Augmentation technology makes the more fortunate among us stronger, faster, and hardier–for a cost, of course. It’s the year 2027, and the world is divided. Some believe that augmentation is the next step in evolution; others think it strips us of our humanity. Sarif Industries is one of several companies that research and manufacture such technology, and you play as Adam Jensen, Sarif’s security expert. Scientists are on the verge of a mysterious breakthrough when high-tech soldiers ransack Sarif’s headquarters, making off with important info, apparently murdering scientists and leaving Adam for dead. Sarif rehabilitates Adam with the help of augmentations, turning Adam into both man and machine: something beyond human. As Adam, you set off to discover who was behind the attack and what, exactly, they were trying to find.
As it turns out, you uncover more than you expected. You explore Shanghai and your home city of Detroit, along with other locales, to piece together clues. Some of them illuminate plot elements; others flesh out the world as a whole; while still others provide unexpected personal data and set the stage for a surprising turn of events. In this grim vision of the future, anti-aug demonstrators hang on their prophet’s every word; sexual deviants seek augmented prostitutes for extra thrills. Human Revolution explores the symbiotic relationships binding the press, the government, and big business–a modern, relevant theme that gives the story an air of disturbing authenticity. If you played the original Deus Ex, you will appreciate seeing the origins of the turmoil to come, before nanotechnology further revolutionized the human condition. Electronic books you stumble upon hint at the coming innovation; newspapers document increasing social tensions (and, cleverly, refer to how you completed your most recent mission); and emails and PDAs provide insight into the minds of the game’s key figures.
The visual design does a great job of setting the stage for those tensions. Human Revolution’s color palette makes frequent use of gold and black, which results in eye-catching visual contrasts. Take, for example, a nightclub in Shanghai called The Hive. The honeycomb design stretching across its neon yellow exterior is not only striking, but also similar to interface elements associated with augmentations. This kind of thematic and visual consistency is common and makes for a cohesive atmosphere even when trotting across the globe. Human Revolution takes great pains to be believable and immerse you in its world, which makes its technical deficiencies all the more noticeable. The city districts you explore are good sized but not enormous, which makes the extended loading times between them seem drastic. You spend minutes at a time in lengthy conversations, staring at the dated, mechanical facialanimations. On the Xbox 360 in particular, the frame rate can take a hit as you pan the camera around–a distraction in any case and a greater annoyance during firefights. On consoles, it feels like developer Eidos Montreal tried to squeeze a bit more out of its graphics engine than it could handle. On the PC, the game performs adequately but still looks slightly dated. But this is a case in which good art designovercomes the technology that renders it. The game is as much about places as it is about people, and it does an excellent job of giving its environments character and grit.
And so you perform story missions and side quests in these cities, where hobos huddle around flaming barrels for warmth and private security firms intimidate the locals. You find answers for a grieving mother, publicly humiliate a cowardly murderer, and seek a dangerous hacker. And in most cases, how you accomplish your tasks depends on how you wish to play. Let’s say you must make your way through a heavily guarded facility. If you prefer the direct approach, you could shoot your way through. During the course of the game, you find or purchase pistols, revolvers, combat rifles, shotguns, and more–and you gain access to augmentations that further support your violent tendencies. As you play, you earn experience; in turn, you then earn praxis points used to unlock new skills and enhancements. Players into bloodshed should appreciate the dermal augmentations that increase your armor, reduce weapon recoil, increase inventory space, and improve resistance to concussion grenades. From the action-packed perspective, Human Revolution plays like a cover shooter. When you snap behind cover, the camera pulls into a third-person view, and you peek out or pop up to load your enemies with lead.
System Requirements Deus Ex Human Revolution
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Screens Deus Ex Human Revolution

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Download Deus Ex Human Revolution

Installation Tutorial
Install Note
1. Mount or burn image
2. Install
3. Copy everything from the Crack folder to the game installation
4. Play the game


Installation Tutorial
1. Download Unlock Version
2. Unpack
3. Download "Missing files" and replace
4. Download "patch0.000" and replace
5. Download and Apply Crack (NETSHOW or 3DM)
6. Play

Crack NETSHOW Can save game 100%

Download Game 

All Files Included Crack Patch And Missing 

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